Assigning Category of Eligibility 510-03-30-15
(New 7/1/2014 ML #3404)
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IM 5221 Attachment C
IM 5221 Attachment D
There are six (6) major Categories of Eligibility (COE), each of which have related categories that fall under them. The six major categories are:
- Children Under age 19;
- Healthy Steps (CHIP);
- Parents, caretaker relatives and their spouses;
- Pregnant Women;
- Adults.
- Former Foster Care Children
The following rules determine how to assign the COE for eligible individuals:
- Children Under Age 19
Rule to Assign COE 61 Extended ACA Children The Child:
• Is under age 19 (through the month the child attains age 19)
• Is deprived due to the absence, disability, incapacity, age or unemployment/ underemployment of a parent;
• Resides with one or both natural or adoptive parents, or one non-parent caretaker relative;
• Not eligible under the ACA Medicaid Children Poverty Levels; AND
The child’s parent(s) or caretaker relative:
• Lost eligibility under the Parents and Caretaker Relative and their spouses Category or Family Coverage Category (in Vision) due to increased alimony or spousal support; and
• Was eligible under the Parent, Caretaker Relative and their Spouses Category or Family Coverage Category (in Vision) in at least three of the six months immediately preceding the month in which the Parents or Caretaker Relatives lost coverage under the Parents, Caretaker Relatives and their Spouses Category.
67 Absence Deprived Child Age 0 to 1 The Child:
• Is deprived due to the absence, disability, incapacity or age of a parent;
• Is age 0 to 1 (including the month the child attains age 1);
• Was found eligible for ACA Medicaid with income at or below 152% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).
• The child’s mother applied for Medicaid before the child's birth;
• The child is deprived due to the absence, disability, incapacity or age of a parent;
• The child is age 0 to 1 (including the month the child attains age 1);
68 Absence Deprived Child Age 1 to 6 The Child:
• Is deprived due to the absence, disability, incapacity or age of a parent;
• Is age 1 to 6 (month following the month the child attains age 1 through the month the child attains age 6);
• Was found eligible for ACA Medicaid with income at or below 152% of the FPL.
69 Absence Deprived Child Age 6 to 19 The Child:
• Is deprived due to the absence, disability, incapacity or age of a parent;
• Is age 6 to 19 (including the month following the month the child attains age 6 through month attains age 19);
• Was found eligible for ACA Medicaid with income at or below 138% of the FPL.
70 UP Deprived Child
Age 0 to 1
The Child:
• Was found eligible for ACA Medicaid with income at or below 152% of the FPL;
• Resides with both natural or adoptive parents;
- One of the parents is working fewer than 100 hours per month;
- Both parent’s income is less than or equal to the parent/caretaker category income level (54%).
• The child’s mother applied for Medicaid before the child's birth;
• The child resides with both natural or adoptive parents;
- One of the parents is working fewer than 100 hours per month;
- Both parent’s income is less than or equal to the parent/caretaker category income level (54%).
71 UP Deprived Child
Age 1 to 6
The Child:
• Is age 1 to 6 (month following attaining age 1 through month attains age 6);
• Was found eligible for ACA Medicaid with income at or below 152% of the FPL;
• Resides with both natural or adoptive parents;
- One of the parents is working fewer than 100 hours per month;
- Both parent’s income is less than or equal to the parent/caretaker category income level (54%).
72 UP Deprived
Age 6 to 19
The Child:
• Is age 6 to 19 (including the month following the month the child attains age 6 through month attains age 19);
• Was found eligible for ACA Medicaid with income at or below 138% of the FPL;
• Resides with both natural or adoptive parents;
- One of the parents is working fewer than 100 hours per month;
- Both parent’s income is less than or equal to the parent/caretaker income level (54%).
73 Non-Deprived
Age 0 to 1
The Child:
• Resides with both natural or adoptive parents;
• Is not deprived;
• Is age 0 to 1 (including the month the child attains age 1);
• Was found eligible for ACA Medicaid with income at or below 152% of the FPL;
The Child:
• Resides with both natural or adoptive parents;
• Is age 0 to 1 (including the month the child attains age 1);
• The child’s mother applied for Medicaid before the child's birth.
74 Non-Deprived Child
Age 1 to 6
The Child:
• Resides with both natural or adoptive parents;
• Is not deprived;
• Is age 1 to 6 (month following the month the child attains age 1 through month the child attains age 6);
• Was found eligible for ACA Medicaid with income at or below 152% of the FPL.
75 Non-Deprived Child Age 6 to 19 The child:
• Resides with both natural or adoptive parents;
• Is not deprived;
• Is age 6 to 19 (including the month following the month the child attains age 6 through month the child attains age 19);
• Was found eligible for ACA Medicaid with income at or below 138% of the FPL.
87 ACA
The Child:
• Is under age 19 (through the month the child attains age 19)
• Is deprived due to the absence, disability, incapacity, age or unemployment/ underemployment of a child under age 19 (through the month the child attains age 19);
• Resides with one or both natural or adoptive parents, or one non-parent caretaker relative;
• Not eligible under the ACA Medicaid Children Poverty Levels;
The child's parent(s) or caretaker relative:
• Lost eligibility under the Parents and Caretaker Relative and their spouses category or Family Coverage Category (in Vision) due to increased earned income or hours of employment;
• Was eligible under the Parent, Caretaker Relative and their Spouses Category or Family Coverage Category (in Vision) in at least three of the six months immediately preceding the month in which the Parents or Caretaker Relatives lost coverage under the Parents, Caretaker Relatives and their Spouses Category or Family Coverage Category (in Vision).
92 Maintenance of Effort Child (Age 0 to 1)
Medicaid to CHIP (Healthy Steps)
The child:
• Is age 0 to 1 (through the month the child attains age 1);
• Was Medicaid eligible on 12-31-2013;
• Became ineligible for Medicaid at the next review, due to loss of Income Disregards and Deductions when calculating eligibility under ACA-based methodologies.
Note: These children can have other creditable Health Insurance EXCEPT Federal or State Employee coverage.
93 Maintenance of Effort Child (Age 1 to 6)
Medicaid to CHIP (Healthy Steps)
The Child:
• Is age 1 to 6 (month following the month the child attains age 1 through the end of the month the child attains age 6);
• Was Medicaid eligible on 12-31-2013;
• Became ineligible for Medicaid at the next review, due to loss of Income Disregards and Deductions when calculating eligibility under ACA-based methodologies.
Note: These children can have other creditable Health Insurance EXCEPT Federal or State Employee coverage.
94 Maintenance of Effort Child (Age 6 to 19)
Medicaid to CHIP (Healthy Steps)
The Child:
• Is age 6 to 19 (month following the month the child attains age 6 through the end of the month the child attains age 19);
• Was Medicaid eligible on 12-31-2013;
• Became ineligible for Medicaid at the next review, due to loss of Income Disregards and Deductions when calculating eligibility under ACA-based methodologies.
Note: These children can have other creditable Health Insurance EXCEPT Federal or State Employee coverage.
95 Maintenance of Effort Child Absence Deprived (Age 6 to 19)
Healthy Steps (CHIP) to Medicaid
The Child:
• Is deprived due to the absence, disability, incapacity or age of a parent;
• Is age 6 to 19 (month following month attains age 6 through the end of the month the child attains age 19);
• Became eligible for Medicaid due to the increase in the Medicaid income levels;
• Was found eligible for ACA Medicaid with income between 111% and 133% of the FPL.
96 Maintenance of Effort Child UP Deprived (Age 6 to 19)
Healthy Steps (CHIP) to Medicaid
The Child:
• Is age 6 to 19 (month following month attains age 6 through the end of the month the child attains age 19);
• Resides with both natural or adoptive parents;
- One of the parents is working fewer than 100 hours per month;
- Both parent’s income is less than or equal to the parent/caretaker category income level (54%).
• Became eligible for Medicaid due to the increase in the Medicaid income levels;
• Was found eligible for ACA Medicaid with income between 111% and 133% of the FPL.
97 Maintenance of Effort Child Non-Deprived (Age 6 to 19)
Healthy Steps (CHIP) to Medicaid
The Child:
• Resides with both natural or adoptive parents;
• Is not deprived;
• Is age 6 to 19 (month following the month the child attains age 6 through the end of the month the child attains age 19);
• Became eligible for Medicaid due to the increase in the Medicaid income levels;
• Was found eligible for ACA Medicaid with income between 111% and 133% of the FPL.
98 State or Tribal Foster Care (Non-IV-E) The Child:
• Meets the definition of a Foster Care Child;
• Is eligible under regular Foster Care (non-Title IV-E, tribal or state-funded).
80 Absence Deprived Child Age 0 to 1 (Medically Needy) The Child:
• Is deprived due to the absence, disability, incapacity or age of a parent;
• Is age 0 to 1 (including the month the child attains age 1);
• Has income above 152% of the FPL;
• Has a medical need that exceeds the calculated Client Share (Recipient Liability);
• May be eligible for Healthy Steps in the future month but has a medical need in a THMP or in the processing month.
81 Absence Deprived Child Age 1 to 6 (Medically Needy) The Child:
• Is deprived due to the absence, disability, incapacity or age of a parent;
• Is age 1 to 6 (month following the month the child attains age 1 through the month the child attains age 6);
• Has income above 152% of the FPL;
• Has a medical need that exceeds the calculated Client Share (Recipient Liability);
• May be eligible for Healthy Steps in the future month but has a medical need in a THMP or in the processing month.
82 Absence Deprived Child Age 6 to 19 (Medically Needy) The Child:
• Is deprived due to the absence, disability, incapacity or age of a parent;
• Is age 6 to 19 (month following the month the child attains age 6 through the end of the month the child attains age 19);
• Has income above 152% of the FPL;
• Has a medical need that exceeds the calculated Client Share (Recipient Liability);
• May be eligible for Healthy Steps in the future month but has a medical need in a THMP or in the processing month.
83 Non-Deprived Child Age 0 to 1 (Medically Needy) The Child:
• Resides with both natural or adoptive parents;
• Is not deprived;
• Is age 0 to 1 (including the month the child attains age 1);
• Has income above 152% of the FPL;
• Has a medical need that exceeds the calculated Client Share (Recipient Liability);
• May be eligible for Healthy Steps in the future month but has a medical need in a THMP or in the processing month.
84 Non-Deprived Child Age 1 to 6 (Medically Needy) The Child:
• Resides with both natural or adoptive parents;
• Is not deprived;
• Is age 1 to 6 (month following the month the child attains age 1 through the month the child attains age 6);
• Has income above 152% of the FPL;
• Has a medical need that exceeds the calculated Client Share (Recipient Liability);
• May be eligible for Healthy Steps in the future month but has a medical need in a THMP or in the processing month.
85 Non-Deprived Child Age 6 to 19 (Medically Needy) The Child:
• Resides with both natural or adoptive parents;
• Is not deprived;
• Is age 6 to 19 (month following the month the child attains age 6 through the end of the month the child attains age 19);
• Has income above 152% of the FPL;
• Has a medical need that exceeds the calculated Client Share (Recipient Liability);
• May be eligible for Healthy Steps in the future month but has a medical need in a THMP or in the processing month.
- Healthy Steps (CHIP Children)
Rule to Assign COE 78 Healthy
The Child is:
• Age 0 through age 18 (through the last day of the month in which child turns age 19);
• Is not eligible for full Medicaid Coverage;
• Does not have current creditable health insurance coverage;
• Coverage is not available through the child’s parents’ or legal guardians’ employer at no additional cost;
• The child did not have creditable health insurance coverage within the past 90 days;
• Has income between 152% and 175% of the FPL
- Parents, Caretakers and their Spouses
Rule to Assign COE 63 Parents and Caretakers
with a NON-UP deprived child
under age 19.
The Parent(s) or Caretaker:
• Is the natural or adoptive parent, or a caretaker/relative within the 5th degree of relationship to a child under age 19 (through the month the child attains age 19);
• Has a child residing with them who is deprived due to the absence, disability, incapacity or age of a parent (Not unemployment/ underemployment of a parent);
• Has income below 54% of the FPL.
64 Parents and Caretakers
with UP
deprived child under age 19.
The Parent(s) or Caretaker:
• Is the natural or adoptive parent of a child under age 19 (through the month the child attains age 19);
• Resides in the home where both natural or adoptive parents reside;
• One of the parents is working fewer than 100 hours per month;
• Has income below 54% of the FPL.
86 ACA
Transitional Parents
and Caretakers
The Parent(s) or Caretaker relative:
• Has at least one child residing with them who is deprived due to the absence, disability, incapacity, age or unemployment/ underemployment of a child under age 19 (through the month the child attains age 19);
• Lost eligibility under the Parents and Caretaker Relative and their Spouses category or Family Coverage (in Vision) due to increased earned income or hours of employment; and
• Was eligible under the Parent, Caretaker Relative and their Spouses category or Family Coverage (in Vision) in at least three of the six months immediately preceding the month in which the Parents or Caretaker Relatives lost coverage under the Parents, Caretaker Relatives and their Spouses Category or Family Coverage (in Vision).
88 ACA
Parents and
The parent(s) or caretaker relative:
• Has at least one child residing with them who is deprived due to the absence, disability, incapacity, age or unemployment/ underemployment of a child under age 19 (through the month the child attains age 19);
• Lost eligibility under the Parents and Caretaker Relative and their Spouses category or Family Coverage (in Vision) due to increased alimony or spousal support; and
• Was eligible under the Parent, Caretaker Relative and their Spouses Category or Family Coverage (in Vision) in at least three of the six months immediately preceding the month in which the Parents or Caretaker Relatives lost coverage under the Parents, Caretaker Relatives and their Spouses Category or Family Coverage (in Vision).
- Pregnant Women
Rule to Assign COE 66 Pregnant
A woman who is:
• Pregnant and through the end of the month in which the 60th post-partum day fails;
• Has income at or below 152% of the FPL.
79 Pregnant
(Medically Needy)
A woman who is:
• Pregnant and through the end of the month in which the 60th post-partum day fails;
• Has income above 152% of the FPL;
• Has a medical need that exceeds the calculated Client Share (Recipient Liability).
- Adults
- Adult Expansion
Rule to Assign COE 76 Adult
Individual is:
• Age 19 through age 64 (month following the month attained age 19 and month prior to attaining age 65);
• Not eligible under the Parent/Caretaker or Pregnant Woman Category;
• Not eligible under the Adults age 19 and 20 Category;
• Not eligible as Medically Frail;
• Has income at or below 138% of the FPL.
- Adults age 19 and 20
Rule to Assign COE 62 Adult
Age 19 and 20
The Adult:
• Must be age 19 or 20 (month following month attains age 19 through the month attains age 21);
• Is NOT pregnant;
• Has no children
• Pass the Adult Expansion Group BUT have income less than 90% of FPL
- Medically Frail
Rule to Assign COE 58 Adults Medically
Frail- Non-institutionalized
The Individual is:
• Age 19 through 64 (month following month attains age 19 through the month prior to the month attains age 65);
• Passes the Adult Expansion Group criteria;
• Determined Medically Frail;
• Not residing in an Institution;
• Income at or below 85% of FPL.
59 Adults Medically
Frail- Non-
Individual is:
• Age 19 through 64 (month following month attains age 19 through the month prior to the month attains age 65);
• Passes the Adult Expansion Group criteria;
• Determined Medically Frail;
• Not residing in an Institution;
• Income above 85% of FPL.
60 Adults
Individual is:
• Age 19 through 64 (month following month attains age 19 through the month prior to the month attains age 65);
• Passes the Adult Expansion Group criteria;
• Determined Medically Frail;
• Residing in an Institution;
• Income at or below 85% of FPL.
65 Adults
Individual is:
• Age 19 through 64 (month following month attains age 19 through the month prior to the month attains age 65);
• Passes the Adult Expansion Group criteria;
• Determined Medically Frail;
• Residing in an Institution;
• Income above 85% of FPL.
77 Adults
Frail- Non-
Managed Care
Individual is:
• Age 19 through 64 (month following month attains age 19 through the month prior to the month attains age 65);
• Passes the Adult Expansion Group criteria;
• Determined Medically Frail;
• Not residing in an Institution;
• Income at or below 85% of FPL.
89 Adults
Frail- Non-
Managed Care
Individual is:
• Age 19 through 64 (month following month attains age 19 through the month prior to the month attains age 65);
• Passes the Adult Expansion Group criteria;
• Determined Medically Frail;
• Not residing in an Institution;
• Income above 85% of FPL.
- Former Foster Care Children
Rule to Assign COE 91 Former Foster
Care Child
The Child:
• Was in North Dakota Foster Care (including Tribal 638 children) and on ND Medicaid (Title IV-E, state-funded(non-IV-E) or tribal) in the month he/she turned age 18;
• Is under age 26 (through the month attaining age 26);
• Is not eligible for Medicaid under:
- The Parent, Caretaker Relative and the Spouse coverage,
- Pregnant Woman coverage, or
- Children (up to age 19) coverage.
NOTE: An individual